Finland’s leading language company

We offer agile translation, subtitling and transcription services as well as diverse speech recognition and text analytics solutions.

Whatever the challenge your organisation faces – internationalisation, accessibility of digital services, comprehensibility, discoverability or content production – we provide tailored language services and solution packages to suit your needs.

A plastic globe held by a person's hand against their side.

Translation services

Agile, reliable and high-quality translation services play a key role in the digital era when your company is looking to grow, expand internationally and offer an outstanding customer experience. We are here to help you succeed in a multilingual world.

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A middle aged man wearing glasses is holding a smart phone, looking at it and smiling slightly.


Services and content are going digital. The challenge lies in making them equally available to everyone – regardless of users’ special needs, medium or language. Lingsoft’s speech recognition-assisted subtitling service enables fast, high-quality and cost-effective video subtitling and podcast transcription  through human-machine collaboration.

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A group of people around a conference table, smiling and talking.

Accessibility solutions

To best address the different needs of your customers, provide your content and services in an accessible format. We improve the accessibility of your content with a variety of services and solutions whether it's videos, audio recordings or text.

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Why Lingsoft?

With us you will be in good hands. We have over 30 years of experience in the language sector, an extensive range of language services, versatile language technology solutions. Our capabilities combined with a genuine desire and the ability to understand our customers' needs guarantee an excellent end result.

Lingsoft — a full-service language company

We are the leading company in our field in Finland and the Nordic countries with an extensive range of language services and language technology solutions. We offer a variety of services and solutions for the analysis, processing, production and management of spoken and written language. 

Translation services, video subtitles, content production

We look to understand each customer’s business needs in order to create a solution or service package that delivers value specifically for your organisation.
Rather than settling for generic solutions, we dare to think outside the box and do things differently  providing tailored translation services, automated multilingual content production processes, application localization, subtitling of video clips, transcription of interviews or dictation, analysis of text and audiovisual material, data anonymisation, customer service automation, voice-controlled user interfaces, text indexing or brand language management.

Smart technology at your disposal

Our solutions are based on Lingsoft's proprietary, globally recognised language analysis technologies, the latest AI research and international standards. Our strength lies in continuous development; we develop, test and use our solutions in our own language services. At Lingsoft, humans and machines work together: smart technology works in tandem with language expertise and flexible customer service. This way we help our customers take control of their organization's language management and use their linguistic capital productively.


Your partner in all of your language service needs

Lingsoft is a one-stop shop for all the language services you need. We can help you solve linguistic accessibility problems, whether they are to do with multilingualism, video subtitles or accurate official language. This will get your message across – on all media, in all languages, to everyone.

Contact us

Kielellinen saavutettavuus: käännöspalvelut, käännös, lokalisointi, versiointi, internationalisointi, hakukoneoptimointi, tekstitys, asiasanoitus, kuvailu, rikastus, editointi ja oikoluku.

Up to 130 language combinations

We offer website translations, multilingual marketing materials and product documentation, software translations, video subtitles, specialist glossaries and language management tools – or a secure machine translation solution geared to meet your company’s specific needs.

Read more about our translation services

Kielipalvelut: nettisivukäännökset, monikieliset markkinointimateriaalit ja tuotedokumentit, ohjelmistokäännökset, kielenhallinnan työkalut ja konekäännös


Lingsoft will be a primary translation vendor for the European Commission

Lingsoft Language Services Oy has won one of the European Commission's most important translation agreements. The length of the TRAD23 agreement is four years, meaning that Lingsoft will provide the Commission with translation services from English into Finnish and Swedish totalling up to 80,000 pages per year. The value of the agreement is 6–8 million euros.


Termitulkki interprets patient entry terminology for clients

Every one of us is an expert in a field. Be it crocheting, rheumatology, architecture or gardening, all fields have their own specialist terminology that makes it easier to talk concisely about complicated and specific matters. 

Challenging patient entry terminology 

Everyone must use health care services at some point, and many of us read the doctor’s or nurse’s entries concerning our treatment. The entries are written with health care specialist terminology to make them as precise and unambiguous as possible when various professionals process them. 

The only Finnish company in the top 100

Nimdzi TOP 100 Largest Language Service Providers in the World 2024

Every year, Nimdzi Insights, an American market research company, publishes an extensive research report on trends in the language services sector. In 2024, Lingsoft was the only Finnish company among the world’s 100 largest language service companies.

Translations, accessibility services, speech recognition solutions

We offer  an extensive range of language services from translation to language management solutions. All you need to do is contact us.

Ask for a quotation

Käännöstyöt, tulkkaukset, saavutettavuuspalvelut, AV-kääntäminen